Do you often hit the snooze button on your alarm clock? Snuggle back between the covers for that another half an hour – a glorious if guilty pleasure. I know I do to! I plead guilty! Typing up your shoes and hitting that sidewalk for an early morning run is what we want to do, but perhaps we can start tomorrow.
Failing to Achieve?
Do you often hit the snooze button on your alarm clock? Snuggle back between the covers for that another half an hour – a glorious if guilty pleasure. I know I do to! I plead guilty! Tying up your shoes and hitting that sidewalk for an early morning run is what we want to do, but perhaps we can start tomorrow.
What is difference between those who want to do and those who actually do? What sets apart the dreamers from the achievers? The key is “MOTIVATION”. The crucial element between setting up goals and achieving them! And the good news is that you can actually control and increase your level of motivation.

1) Goals
The first step to any achievement or success is to define it. Before we embark on any journey, we need to have a destination in mind. Visualise what you want! It could be anything – a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, quit smoking, going to the gym or some personal project ( writing a book, learning to dance, a new language, pottery – anything) or a professional aspirations ( I want to be the CEO by the age of 35). The point is to set specific goals. Sounds easy right!
There are, however, a few pitfalls that we want to avoid. If the goals set are too easy, they become boring. There is no stimulation and therefore no motivation on our part to achieve them. If the goals set are too difficult to discouraging, our sub-conscious recognises them as unattainable, and gives up easily at the first hurdle. So, set goals that are difficult but achievable. Yes, they should make you work for it, because success will be so much sweeter.
2) Honesty
Take a good hard look at yourself. Honestly, evaluate your situation and your capability. Judge what needs to be done. Visualising success is not enough. Visualise the steps necessary for that success. Be honest with yourself and evaluate your willingness and commitment to take those steps consistently, before you start.
3) Routines
Make your own routines. Follow a pattern. Schedule a time, separate from your other aspects of life. The routine can be anything you want, maybe as simple as changing your clothes, picking up a favourite pen, or wearing your favourite shoes, going to a specific place (maybe another room in your house or a park or a gym) at a specific time. After a time, following a routine automatically signals our brain, and our sub-conscious starts taking over, making the whole process easier and more consistent.

So friends, fire your imagination, figure out what you want, forge a path ahead. And, find the “new you”.
Don’t forget to share your experiences.
Signing off,
A woman of words
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