The relationship – is it right?

If one has been in a relationship, they know it’s hard. Sometimes, it happens that we trust the wrong person and let them drain us completely. Having someone you love is a great thing. The feeling is comforting.

But do ask yourself a question, “is this relationship just right for me”?

Look out for these signs and then decide for yourself. All the best. Fingers crossed!

  • You can laugh together

If you enjoy each-others company and feel comfortable around each-other, you can laugh together.

  • Supporting each other to achieve their goals

It shows that you want each-other to be successful in their own personal lives which will eventually benefit the relationship. Everyone has dreams and they keep us going in our lives and keeps it worth living. So back each-other up and it will help in leading a happy life.

  • Trust them

Trusting someone is not easy, but not even giving them a proper chance to gain their trust is something which should not be happening. If you can’t count on your partner then it’s time to re-think.

  • Don’t cry too often

If your partner hurts you more than he is willing to make you happy, then he isn’t right for you. If you are often hurt and sad and feel lonely, jump right out of it. It will hurt but you deserve peace. Every relationship has its ups and downs but your bad days should not outlast the good days.

  • Getting attention

In any relationship, one will always want attention from the other and vice versa. Make sure you get enough attention from your partner and are not looking for it somewhere else. Fulfil each-others needs.

  • Encourage each-other to spend time with friends

One single person cannot fulfil all the needs. Having friends is world’s greatest joy. Spending quality time with each other is nice but understanding the needs of your partner is something which you should do. Do the best for your partner.

Love is selfless and a great feeling. Don’t waste it over someone who doesn’t love you enough. Real love is kind and should take pleasure in making the other person feel happy. If you have an amazing partner then value them. They are different from the crowd.

Embrace the time with your partner. Love them and feel loved. Because “love is in the air”.

Signing off

A Woman Of Words