We all at various instances indulge in things secretly. Those indulgence is something we’ve earned for ourselves. They are guilty pleasures. Is it a crime to enjoy ourselves?
Guilty pleasures are the things that we enjoy but we don’t want to admit because we feel that they are annoying, embarrassing, waste of time or money. But we do share them with our close friends.. don’t we!!
The most common guilty pleasures that we all usually have are listed below. Read and smile when you connect.
- Snacking
We all have some items that we don’t eat or avoid because they are unhealthy for our lifestyle. No matter how diet conscious you are, once in a blue moon you just like to eat all the junk possible. But eating such things in moderation won’t hurt your diet and also give a nice boost in our mood and energy.
- Over spending
Treat yourself once in a while, it’s good. But we often buy things which are not really important just because we think that it is what we want. It’s something that we all do. Even I do this but if we feel that the purse is going too lighter than expected then stop spending and start saving.
- Blowing off plans
Had a plan with friends? Bailed it at the last moment because a great novel was calling out your name or you wanted a night doing nothing. In such cases, you can feel relaxed but too guilty.
- Doing nothing
What’s better than doing something. NOTHING!! No plans or work, feeling free right. Sometimes you need to take this time off and relax. Follow this sometimes and not always and you’ll love this one.
- Binge watching
Spending the full day or night watching your favourite show. With the ability to watch one episode after another has given us this urge to watch a multiple episodes in a go and becomes hard to resist. Haven’t you done that atleast once?
- Sleeping till late
Remember when we were kids, we used to go to sleep on Friday night and wake up late in the afternoon the next day.. I didn’t realize how awesome and peaceful that was. Now, with the busy and hectic schedules, sleeping till late is a dream. If you get such a chance, relish it.
- Self-gifting
There are instances where we feel low and also feel that the world is against us or maybe no one loves us. And we start looking for things we wanted from a long time and gift them to ourselves to cheer up.
Small things in life make a huge difference. We might have had a rough day, we all need something that can put us back on the track. They may be a little embarrassing or maybe not embarrassing at all. Those deeds make us who we are and we should accept them. Trust me or not these little things make our lives a lot better and meaningful.
Mine is binge watching my favourite tv shows and movies over and over again. Share yours too.
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