The New Girl
Hello Readers, Since this is my first ever blog and i don’t know much about writing, I would like to thank you all for taking out your valuable time for reading the words i have weaved through.
Firstly, I would like to introduce myself in a few words. I am woman. A woman who has finished the basic education like B.Com (H) and MBA with flying colors. While studying in college I realized that its not only the bookish knowledge or the same old boring subjects which make me who I am but its also the bewitching words which make my life going.
Secondly, I have loved to read since my childhood which ultimately motivated me to write. I may not be a good writer but putting your feelings into words is something which makes a piece lively.
A dear friend of mine suggested that I should be writing a blog so that my words can reach out to the world and also the people out there who want to give voice to their feelings are motivated to do so.
Every woman has a lot to say but doesn’t because either she isn’t allowed to or she is at loss of things to speak. So here I am expressing what not only me but a lot of women of our country want to say but do not.
Now that i have set out on a mission to express myself i would like all of you out there to motivate me when I feel lost, forgive me if I hurt anyone’s feelings and support me to do something I love and I will promise to keep coming and updating you about new stuff and ideas. Who knows we might find some common interests.
Signing off for now,
A Woman of Words
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