Have you ever read a 300 page thriller, only to find the last 20 pages missing, just before the climax? Have you ever baked a cake from the scratch, only to have a power outage leaving the cake half-baked and inedible? Frustrating isn’t it?
And yet, we are sometimes guilty of leaving things half undone, tasks not completed, pushed to the back of our minds. Often, we get fired up with an idea, start a project and somehow, halfway though, we either lose interest (not the money kind, though that could also be true) or simply lose steam.
Unfinished tasks are a lot of clutter-in your work space and in your HEADSPACE!
The time, effort and money already spent on an incomplete, abandoned task is a huge waste of resources, we can ill-afford. There is a hidden opportunity cost as well. These resources could have been spent somewhere else successfully generating returns- maybe monetary or simply the happiness and satisfaction of a task well done. The guilt of incomplete task on the other hand takes up space in our mind, taking away our energy and corrode our feeling of well-being.

It is however, not just impossible but unnecessary to complete all things left incomplete. What we need to do is “PRIORITISE” and “CATEGORISE”.
First make a list of all the tasks left undone. Now prioritise! I would suggest three categories, into which your list could be divided.
- Forget It
Some of them are no longer relevant, or simply no longer viable (maybe due to increase in cost or their time has run out) or simply no longer hold our interest and importance!
Let Go- Simply strike them off from your list and then no longer spare a thought or suffer guilt over them.
- Salvage It
Sometimes a task can no longer be completed, but some resources that have already gone into it can be rescued or the half-finished project could be recycled as something else. REPURPOSE.
- Finish It
Some tasks are of course too important to ignore or procrastinate, or leave half-baked. GO FOR IT!
The feeling of achievement, as you glow of happiness and confidence boosts as no other.
So friends, what are you waiting for! Declutter your homes, work space and also mind, because life is meant to be enjoyed.
Our lives are full of unlimited possibilities. Go grab your happiness.
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A Woman Of Words
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