Take charge of your health. One should inculcate the habit of exercising in their daily routines not only because it keeps you in shape but also because it has some other immense benefits. Exercise not only keeps you healthy it also keeps you happy.

- It works like energy booster
Regular exercise will tone up your muscles and enhance your endurance levels. Every cell in the body starts to get fresh oxygen which makes you feel more active and energetic.
- Promotes self-confidence
If you are fit and strong, self-confidence is something you imbibe in yourself. While you start taking care of yourself and start to exercise, you start being more confident and lead a happy life. It also builds your self-esteem.
- Keeps you happier
Exercise becomes a road block when it comes to diseases and sadness in your life. Exercise releases hormones which make that negative feeling go away which helps to create positivity in your life. So, the next time you’re feeling low, go out for a stroll.
- Helps insomniacs
It helps with sleep and also the quality of sleep. One should exercise daily to have a much more peaceful sleep. (Not near bedtime though)
- Increases life-expectancy
It prevents cancers, heart disease and diabetes. Only 45 minutes of work out can prevent us from dying early.
Last but not the least, it manages your weight. All the people having weight issues, there is no substitute of exercise. Do not run away from it.

Every person who exercises gains some benefits, no matter how old they are or what gender they are. Do it. It helps!
We all know the benefits of exercising. Since, it’s something that requires efforts, we don’t want to do it. If we make it a regular habit, we might gain more than we lose. Let’s make a pact, all of us will workout daily and then write to me what all benefits you reaped out and I’ll share my story too.
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A Woman Of Words
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